Little ones will always be among our most cherished treasures, there is no denying that. Every parent wants to raise their little ones in a secure and healthy environment, but the sad reality is that the majority of us don’t know how to baby-proof homes. The task of baby-proofing your home can first seem overwhelming, but if you create a baby-proofing guideline, it will guarantee that you don’t overlook anything and allow you to complete it step-by-step rather than everything at once.

The bigger things: 
Look for the major issues first so you can resolve them and move on, especially if they will take some time to resolve or require professional assistance. Replace damaged doors and windows. Any doors your child can reach should have finger pinch protectors installed. Painting and remodeling projects should be completed at least three to four months before the arrival of the infant, especially if lead paint is being removed.

Taking care of every detail: 
Infants and young children are more likely to fall and knock their heads on things. Covering furniture’s rough corners and edges with edge protectors and corner guards available on the market is one certain thing parents should do to prevent serious accidents from occurring. If you need new furniture, consider items with rounded corners or use edge cards for sharp edges. Inspect area rugs to make sure they have a non-slip bottom and that the corners are not pulled up. To hold edges down, use double-sided adhesive tape.

Monitoring electrical sockets carefully: 
As soon as they can move on their hands and knees, newborns begin to reach into every nook of the house. Electric socket covers must be used to cover the electrical outlets. Additionally, parents need to watch out for any other electric items in the home and ensure sure the baby is not playing with them. Ensure that your kids cannot get batteries. Toy batteries should always be checked for leaks, especially if they are inside a toy that your toddler puts in his/her mouth.
These are some of the basic precautions parents can take to make their home a safe space for their children. 

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